BHARAT   08414 - 252313



S.No Details Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule.


Criterion-I: Curricular Aspects

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1.1.3A Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and  Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2018-19
1.1.3B Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and  Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2017-18
1.1.3C Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and  Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2016-17
1.1.3D Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and  Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2015-16
1.1.3E Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and  Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2014-15
1.2.1A Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
1.2.1B Programmes in which Elective Course System
1.2.2 Circulars and Brochure to Add on /Certificate programs
1.2.3 Certificates related to Add on /Certificate programs
1.3.2 Programme / Curriculum/ Syllabus of the courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship
1.3.3A Number of students undertaking project work/field work / internships
1.3.3B List of students undertaking project work/field work/internship-Relevant document
1.4.1A Stakeholder feedback report
1.4.1B Action taken report of the Institution on feedback report
1.4.1C Sample filled feedback forms from each Stakeholder
  • Feedback Report/Analysis Report/Action taken by department/Letter to JNTUH-BOS/Action taken by JNTUH

  • Feedback, Analysis and Action taken Report: 2020-21
  • Feedback, Analysis and Action taken Report: 2021-22
  • Feedback Collected and Analysed.
  • Action taken report on Feedback report.


Criterion-II: Teaching-Learning and Evaluation

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2.1.2 Ratified List of Students for Reservation Category.
2.4.1A List of the faculty members authenticated by the Head of HEI last 5 years
2.4.1B Number of sanctioned posts year-wise during last five years
2.4.2 Year wise faculty list with Ph.D
2.6.1 COs for all Programmes
2.6.2 Result of attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution
  • Annual report of average pass percentage of Students during last five years

  • Annual report of examinations: 2020-21
  • Annual report of examinations: 2021-22
2.6.3B Results sheet published by the affiliating university attested by the principal

Criterion-III: Research, Innovations and Extension

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3.1.1 E-copies of the grant award letters for sponsored research projects / endowments
3.1.3A Supporting document from Funding Agency
3.1.3B Funding agency website Links
3.2.1 Ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge
3.2.2 Report of the event of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship
3.3.1 Ph.D.s Registered Per Teacher
3.3.2 UGC Care List Journals-Published Papers Screenshots
3.3.3 Books/Conference Proceedings Cover Pages Content
3.4.2 e-copy of the award letters of Extension activities
3.4.3 Detailed report for each extension and outreach program
3.4.4 Detailed report for each activity with no. of students participated and collaborating agency-every activity students list should be attached

3.5.1 e-copies of Collaborative Activities
3.5.2A e-copies of functional MoUs
3.5.2B MoUs Activities Report

Criterion-IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources

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4.1.3 Geotagged photographs of class rooms /seminar halls with ICT enabled facilities : 2021-22
4.1.3 Geotagged photographs of class rooms /seminar halls with ICT enabled facilities : 2020-21
4.1.3 Geotagged photographs of class rooms /seminar halls with ICT enabled facilities
4.2.4A Library Accession Register-Usage Report
4.2.4B Online Access Report

Criterion-V: Student Support and Progression

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5.1.1A Scholarship Sanction Letters
5.1.1B Scholarship Students List
5.1.2 Freeships Student List
5.1.3 Capacity Building and Skills Enhancement Initiatives
  • Soft Skills
  • Language and Communication Skills
  • Life Skills
  • ICT/Computing Skills
  • 5.1.4 Details of Students Benefited Through Career Guidance/Competitive Examinations.
    5.1.5 Details of Grievance and Redressal Cell
    5.2.1 Details of Student Placements
    5.2.2 Higher Education Details
    5.2.3 Details of qualified Students in State/National/International Exams
    5.3.1 Details of Award/Medals in Sports/Cultural Activities
    5.3.3 Details of Sports and Cultural Activities
    5.4.2 Alumni List with Amount

    Criterion-VI: Governance, Leadership and Management

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    6.2.3A ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Document
    6.2.3B Policy Document on E-governance
    6.3.2 Faculty Incentives-Policy document
    6.3.3 Professional development /administrative training programs
    6.3.4 e-copies of Faculty Participation certificates
    6.5.3A IQAC Quality Initiatives
    6.5.3B Annual Report of Institute:2021-22
    Annual Report of Institute:2020-21
    Annual Report of Institute:2018-19

    6.5.3C Quality Audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO Certification, NBA)

    Criterion-VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

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    7.1.1 Promotion of gender equity
    Promotion of gender equity: 2020-21
    Promotion of gender equity: 2021-22

    7.1.3A MOU for E-Waste Management
    7.1.3B Geo Tagged Photographs of Waste Management Facilities
    7.1.5 Policy Document on the Green Campus
    7.1.6 Green, Energy and Environment Audit Certificates
    7.1.6_2 Audit Reports
    Energy Audit Report of BIET 2020-2022
    Green Audit Report of BIET 2020-2022
    Green and Energy Audit Report 2022-2025

    7.1.6A Policy Document on Environment and Energy Usage
    7.1.6B Reports on Environment and Energy audits
    7.1.8 Inclusive Environment
    7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens.
    7.1.9A Constitutional Obligations
    7.1.9B Syllabus for Constitution of India
    7.2.1 Best practices

    Best practices 1

    Best practices 2

    7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness