S.No | Details |
---|---| | Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule. |
Criterion-I: Curricular Aspects
S.No | Details | Download |
1.1.3* | _JNTUH_Evaluation_Letters | |
1.1.3** | Curriculum_Design_Developement_Addon course | |
1.1.3A | Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2018-19 | |
1.1.3B | Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2017-18 | |
1.1.3C | Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2016-17 | |
1.1.3D | Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2015-16 | |
1.1.3E | Teachers participate in Academic council/BoS/Setting of question papers/Design and Development of Curriculum/Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University 2014-15 | |
1.2.1A | Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) | |
1.2.1B | Programmes in which Elective Course System | |
1.2.2 | Circulars and Brochure to Add on /Certificate programs | |
1.2.3 | Certificates related to Add on /Certificate programs | |
1.3.2 | Programme / Curriculum/ Syllabus of the courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship
1.3.3A | Number of students undertaking project work/field work / internships | |
1.3.3B | List of students undertaking project work/field work/internship-Relevant document
1.4.1A | Stakeholder feedback report | |
1.4.1B | Action taken report of the Institution on feedback report | |
1.4.1C | Sample filled feedback forms from each Stakeholder | |
1.4.2 |
Criterion-II: Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
Criterion-III: Research, Innovations and Extension
Criterion-IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Criterion-V: Student Support and Progression
S.No | Details | Download |
5.1.1A | Scholarship Sanction Letters | |
5.1.1B | Scholarship Students List | |
5.1.2 | Freeships Student List | |
5.1.3 | Capacity Building and Skills Enhancement Initiatives
5.1.4 | Details of Students Benefited Through Career Guidance/Competitive Examinations. | |
5.1.5 | Details of Grievance and Redressal Cell | |
5.2.1 | Details of Student Placements | |
5.2.2 | Higher Education Details | |
5.2.3 | Details of qualified Students in State/National/International Exams | |
5.3.1 | Details of Award/Medals in Sports/Cultural Activities | |
5.3.2 | Students Representation in Various Bodies | |
5.3.3 | Details of Sports and Cultural Activities | |
5.4.2 | Alumni List with Amount |
Criterion-VI: Governance, Leadership and Management
Criterion-VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices