BHARAT   08414 - 252313

Publications Summary

S. No.

Assessment Year

No of Publications


























































S. No. Name of Faculty Patent No. Publication Date Title
1 Mrs. P. Aparna 20214100411 05.02.21 A system and Method for Data Mining in Datasets for Mismatch Data Reduction
2 Dr. T. Deepthi 2021100011 02.01.21 A Novel Method of Big Data Retrieval System using Machine Learning
3 Dr. P. Rahira 2041022860 12.06.2020 Remote Monitoring and Control of Electrical Machines in Manufacturing Industries Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Faculty Publications for the Academic year: 2020-21

S No Faculty Name Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Conference Month & Year of Publication DOI/ISBN/online ISSN
1 Dr. T.Deepthi Incidence Rates and State Wise Risk Prediction of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) using Artificial Neural Networks Proceedings of Online International Conference on “Incidence Rates and State Wise Risk Prediction of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) using Artificial Neural Networks” (ICCIASH-2020) on 11 - 13th February 2021 at Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad Feburary-2021. ISBN No: 978-93-5437-185-1
2 Dr. T.Deepthi Reduction of Dimensionality Using Bayesian Approach for Second Order Response Surface Design Model Presented a Research Paper entitled " Reduction of Dimensionality Using Bayesian Approach for Second Order Response Surface Design Model " in the Virtual National Conference on THEORETICAL AND APPLIED STATISTICS Recent Advances in Statistical Theory and Computing (NCTAS_21)on 9th and 10th February 2021 at Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru. Feburary-2021.
3 Dr. G. Gayatri Non-covalent Interactions Directed Rearrangement of Lactones to Pyrones: A Computational Study on the Mechanistic Insights of Solvent Assisted Gold(I) Catalyzed Reactions Journal of Scientific Research January-2021. DOI: 10.3329/jsr.v13i1.48371
4 Dr. T.Deepthi Construction of a New Series of SORD Proceedings of Online International Conference on “Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities” (ICCIASH-2020) Aug-20 ISBN No : 978-93-88096-42-3 
5 Dr. T.Deepthi Construction of a New Series of SORD Sambodhi Journal (UGC Care Journal) November- December 2020. ISSN No : 2249 - 6661
6 Dr. V. Nagaveni Gas phase basicity and proton affinity measurements of Alzheimer’s disease drugs by the extended Kinetic method and theoretical investigation European Journal of Mass spectrometry November-2020 DOI: 10.1177/1469066720971449
7 Dr. I. Sophia Rani Effectiveness of Lanthanum zirconate and Yttria stabilized zirconia freestanding APS thermal barrier coatings against natural CMAS attack at high temperatures Materials at High Temperatures (SCI) Aug-2020 DOI:10.1080/09603409.2020.1811600

Faculty Publications for the Academic year: 2019-20

S No Faculty Name Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Conference Month & Year of Publication DOI/ISBN/online ISSN
1 Dr.I.Sophia Rani Sol-infiltrated multilayer SiC/yttrium silicate coatings for imparting enhanced oxidation resistance to C-SiC composites International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes for Defence Applications (ADMAT), Hyderabad Sept 23-25, 2019 --
2 Dr.I.Sophia Rani Fabrication and Charecterization of CMAS -resistant coatings for Defence Applications National Conference on Fast Emerging Trends In Engineering and Technology,BIET, Hyderabad Sept 20-21,2019 ISBN:978-93-82829-43-0
3 Dr.I.Sophia Rani Advanced Coating Materials for Futuristic Hypersonic Applications AICTE Sponsored Two Days National Conference on Recent Advances and Challenges in Electronics and Hardware Design (RACE-2020), Hyderabad 28th -29th Feb, 2020
4 Dr.G.Gayatri Qualitative analysis of water samples using water quality indicators National Conference on Fast Emerging Trends In Engineering And Technology,BIET, Hyderabad Sept 20-21,2019 ISBN:978-93-82829-43-0
5 Dr.G.Gayatri Smoke absorber mediated CO2 capture using Tulsi, Neem, Guava and Peepal leaves and Turmeric: A case study AICTE Sponsored Two Days National Conference on Recent Advances and Challenges in Electronics and Hardware Design (RACE-2020) 28th -29th Feb, 2020 --
6 Dr. P. Rahira Experimental Investigation And Mathemetical Model Strategy To Control Air Pollution Level In Our Environment By Using Nanotechnology International journal of grid and distributed computing Jun, 20 ISSN:2005-4262
7 Dr. P. Rahira Smart Autonomous bot to bot communication through data mining and wirless Ad-hoc networks for emergency scenarios TEST engineering and management Mar, 20 ISSN-0193-4120
8 Dr.T. Deepthi Presented a paper entitled "Response Surface Design Model Reduction in Bayesian Approach". Two day National Conference on "DATA SCIENCE-A Statistical Perspective" 27 & 28th Dec 2019 --
9 Dr.T. Deepthi Bayesian Estimation for Missing Responses in First Order RSD Model (Published in Conf. Proceedings) The Prof. C.R. Rao Birth Centenary Conference on "Statistics & Applications" Organized by C R Rao AIMSCS 6 & 7th Feb 2020 --
10 Ms. P. APARNA Presented a Paper "Generalized Arithmetic Graphs with Equal and un-equal powers of Annihilator Domination number" National conference on Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics(XXVIII CONGRESS OF APTSMS) 6th-8th Dec 2019 --
11 Ms.ZEHRA TAHIR A study on language processing through simulation in acquiring second language Two day National conference 30/9/2019 ITESLLPF 2019
12 Ms.PRIYA MINZ A Critical Evaluation of Henrik Ibsen's Play' An Enemy of the People' IJIRT May 20 2349-6002
12 Ms.Batool Fatima A study on language processing through simulation in acquiring second language Two day national conference innovations in teaching ESL 30/9/2019 ITESLLPF 2019
13 Ms.Batool Fatima Approaches to Enhance English Speaking Skills among Engineering Graduates through JAM session in a Mixed Classroom Scopus Indexed IJAST 5/5/2020 22076360, 20054238
14 Ms. K.Arpita Impact of Text Messaging on Nursing students Two day national conference Negotiating spaces;English literature & ELT 29/8/19-30/8/19 ELLT -40/2019

Faculty Publications for the Academic year: 2018-19

S No Faculty Name Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Conference Month & Year of Publication DOI/ISBN/online ISSN
1 Dr.I.Sophia Rani Sol-infiltrated multilayer SiC/yttrium silicate coatings for imparting enhanced oxidation resistance to C-SiC composites Ceramics International 44(11) Apr, 2018 DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.04.123

Faculty Publications for the Academic year: 2017-18

S No Faculty Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Conference Month & Year of Publication DOI/ISBN/online ISSN
1 Madeeha khanam Significance of EMI and its ramification in General. Pune research scholar 2017 ISSN-2455-314X
2 Madeeha Khanam Some Insights into the Framework of English Literature Pune 2017 ISSN-2454-3454
3 Rakesh Chilivery Microcapsule Structure with a Tunable Textured Surface via the Assembly of Polyoxomolybdate Clusters: A Bioinspired Strategy and Enhanced Activities in Alkene Oxidation ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Dec-2017 pp 3161–3167 IF 7.504
4 K Jagan Mohan Rao Hyperelliptic Limit Cycles for the Liénard Equation with Single Retardation Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal,Vol-6. December 2017 ISSN 2278-8697

Faculty Publications for the Academic year: 2016-17

S No Faculty Name Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Conference Month & Year of Publication DOI/ISBN/online ISSN
1 Dr G. Gayatri Asymmetric Synthesis of Functionalized 2,5-Pyrrolidinedionesand -Lactams through Diastereospecific Cycloisomerization/Rearrangement of Chiral Ethanolamine-Derived Ugi Adducts Eur. J. Org. Chem. Apr-2017 ISSN - 1434-193X
2 Gattu Sridhar ZrCl4 Mediated Synthesis of 1,2,3-Triazoles from Vinyl Nitrates and their Biological evaluation Syn. Comm January, 2017
3 Dr. RAKESH Microcapsule Structure with a Tunable Textured Surface via the Assembly of Polyoxomolybdate Clusters: A Bioinspired Strategy and Enhanced Activities in Alkene Oxidation ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces December 29, 2016 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b14555
4 Dayakar Gandla Carbon Sphere-Polyaniline Nanocomposite: A Fluorescent Scaffold for Proliferation of Adipose Derived Stem Cells and its Cellular uptake ChemistrySelect 2016, 1, 3063-3070 --
5 Dayakar Gandla, Copper Chromite-Polyaniline Nanocomposite: An Advanced Electrode Material for High Performance Energy Storage Electrochim. Acta 2017, 248, 486-495 4.72
6 Dayakar Gandla Low Temperature synthesis of TiO2 -β-Cyclodextrin-Graphene Nanocomposite for Energy Storage and Photocatalytic Applications Electrochim. Acta 2016, 210, 385-394 4.72
7 Dayakar Gandla, Graphene quantum dots from graphite by liquid exfoliation showing excitation-independent emission, fluorescence upconversion and delayed fluorescence Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 21278-21287 4.5
8 K JAGAN MOHAN RAO A numericalsurvey ofdifferential algebraicequations evolved fromcoupled circuit May- 2016
9 K JAGAN MOHAN RAO A MathematicalApproach to DeepLearning in ArtificialNeural Networks International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIEAT) -2016 Organized byAurora’s Scientific and Technological Research Academy,Hyderabad December- 2016 ISBN : 978-1-5396-2645-9
10 K JAGAN MOHAN RAO Predicting Human BodyFatnessbased on the BodyMass Index (BMI)using Artificial NeuralNetworks International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIEAT)-2016 Organized byAurora’s Scientific and Technological Research Academy,Hyderabad December- 2016 ISBN : 978-1-5396-2645-9
11 K JAGAN MOHAN RAO Hyperelliptic Limit Cyclesfor theLiénardEquationwith SingleRetardation Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol-6. December- 2017 ISSN 2278-8697
12 Dr. Lekha S Odd mean labeling of some new families of graphs Int.J. of Mathematics & soft computing Mar-2017 ISSN 2249-3328
13 K.Kavitha Structural and Optical Properties of Copper doped tin oxide nanostructures International Journal Of Advance Research in Science and Enineering Jun-2017 2319-8354,2.83

Faculty Publications for the Academic year: 2015-16

SNo Faculty Name Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Conference Month & Year of Publication DOI/ISBN/online ISSN
1 Dr G. Gayatri Influence of Steric Crowding on the Diastereoselective Arabinofuranosylations J. Org. Chem. July-2015 ISSN - 0022-3263
2 Dr G. Gayatri Stereoselective synthesis of functionalized 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines (THIQs) via highly diastereoselective Ugi three-component reactions (U3CR) with chiral 3,4- dihydroisoquinolines (DHIQs) RSC. Adv. Aug-2015 IF - 3.108
3 Dr G. Gayatri Insights into the Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction of Isomeric Dibenzofuran Carbaldehydes: A Theoretical and Mass spectral Study RSC. Adv. Oct-2015 IF - 3.108
4 Gattu Sridhar Synthesis of Novel Pyran β-Amino Acid and 5,6-Dihydro-2H-pyran β-aminoxy Acid from Carbohydrate Derivatives Syn. Comm May, 2015 45, pp 1768–17761.2
5 Gattu Sridhar Stereoselective Total Synthesis of Sporiolide B and Attempted Synthesis of Sporiolide A Syn. Comm February, 2016 10.1080/00397911.2015.1135958
6 K JAGAN MOHAN RAO Study of periodic orbits for p-laplacian neutral lienard type equation National conference on Mathematics and its Applications (NCMIA-2015) Organized by the Department of Mathematics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh December-2015
7 Hiral Raja Some Generalization on Fixed Point Theorems Related to Different Types of Fuzzy Metric Spaces. Indian Journal of

applied Research
Jan-2016 ISSN - 2249-555X , Vol. 6, Iss. 10, pp. 635-644,.
8 Hiral Raja Fixed point of Expansion mapping

Fuzzy Menger space with CLRs property,
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Jan-2016 ISSN 2347-9051, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, pp. 143-145.
9 Hiral Raja Fixed Point Theorems Related to Fuzzy-2 Metric Spaces International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Science and Engineering (IJAFRSE Sep-2015 · Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 6.12
10 Hiral Raja Common fixed point theorems in metric spaces satisfying an implicit relation Advance in Fixed Point Theory, May-2016 ISSN: 1927-6303, No. 2, 167-174.
11 Hiral Raja Common Fixed Points of Four Mapping in Metric Spaces, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), May-2016 ISSN:- 2319-7064 Iss. 5, May 2016, pp. 2089-2092.
12 Chhetry, B. Developing Oral Communications through Learning Styles based Approach. Pedagogy and Methodology for Teaching English Language Skills to Undergraduates in Colleges of India Under the CBCS System (1st ed., pp.7-15). A Collection of Research Paper. New Delhi, India: Bahri Publications Feb-2016 (1st ed., pp.7-15) ISBN: 978-93-83469-08-6
13 Chhetry, B Teaching of LSRW Skills through the application of Multiple Intelligences based Approach An International Journal of Language, Literature and culture studies. Scholar Critic Apr- 2016 Vol.3.Issue 1.,ISSN 2348-6945 (Online) ISSN 2348 - 6937 (Print)

Faculty Publications for the Academic year: 2014-15

SNo Faculty Name Title of the Paper Name of the Journal/Conference Month & Year of Publication DOI/ISBN/online ISSN
1 Dr G. Gayatri Energy Decomposition Analysis of Cation–π, Metal Ion–Lone Pair, Hydrogen Bonded, Charge Assisted Hydrogen Bonded and π–π Interactions J. Comp. Chem. Mar-2015 ISSN: 1096-987X IF - 3.229
2 G. Gayatri The Exploration of Cis,Cis,-1,3,5-Trimethylcyclohexane-1,3,5-Tricarboxylic Acid (Kemp’s Tri Acid, KTA) as a Core for the Synthesis of 3- Fold Symmetric 23 Cyclophane RSC Adv Nov-2014 IF - 3.108
3 G. Gayatri A novel Prins cascade process for the stereoselective synthesis of oxa-bicycles Org. Biomol. Chem. Jan-2015 ISSN‎: ‎1477-0520 IF - 3.564
4 Gattu Sridhar Synthesis of new β2,2 -Amino Acids with Carbohydrate Side Chains: Impact on the Synthesis of Peptides Carbohydrate Research March, 2014 2.3
5 Gattu Sridhar A Novel Triazine-Aryl-Bis-Indole Derivative Inhibits both Phosphodiesterase IV and Expression of Cell Adhesion Molecules RSC Adv August, 2015 10.1039/C5RA11495K
6 K JAGAN MOHAN RAO Lienard Equation and its Applications Annual Summer Research Symposium’ Organized by TCIS, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Hyderabad June - 2014

7 Dr Pramada Many Lives Of lattice Sigma Algebra Mathematics Sciences International research Journal Jan-2014 ISSN 2278-8697 Vol 3, Iss. 2
8 Dr. Lekha S Some new perspectives on Odd Sequential Graphs; Int.J. of Mathematics & soft computing, Jan-2014 ISSN 2249-3328
9 Dr. Lekha S Odd Sequential Labeling on Some New Families of Graphs; Int.J.of. of Mathematical Combinatronics Mar- 2014 ISSN 1937-1055
10 Chhetry, B. The Impact of Written Corrective Feedback in Enhancing ESL Writing Performance International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies. A peer Reviewed International Research Journal. Feb-2014 Vol.1, S1., 2014.

ISSN: 2349-9451
11 Chhetry, B. The Role of Discourse Markers in Enhancing the Quality of Written Composition: An Exploratory Study International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies. A peer Reviewed International Research Journal. Dec-2014 Vol.1, S1., 2014.

ISSN: 2349-9451