BHARAT   08414 - 252313

The laboratories / workshops are fully equipped with complete set of latest equipments and tools, in different areas of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The various labs and workshops encompass the vital aspects of Computational Mathematics, Computer Programming, Data Structures, Basic Engineering Workshop, Electrical and Electronics Circuits and Engineering Drawing etc.

Detail of various laboratories and their facilities are as follow:


MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a fourth-generation high-level programming language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization and programming. It allows matrix manipulations; plotting of functions and data; implementation of algorithms; creation of user interfaces; interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java, and FORTRAN; analyze data; develop algorithms; and create models and applications. It has numerous built-in commands and math functions that help you in mathematical calculations, generating plots, and performing numerical methods.

Basic Features of MATLAB

   It is a high-level language for numerical computation, visualization and application development and it also provides an interactive environment for iterative exploration, design and problem solving.

   It provides vast library of mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, filtering, optimization, numerical integration and solving ordinary differential equations

   It provides built-in graphics for visualizing data and tools for creating custom plots. MATLAB's programming interface gives development tools for improving code quality maintainability and maximizing performance.

   It provides tools for building applications with custom graphical interfaces. It provides functions for integrating MATLAB based algorithms with external applications and languages such as C, Java, DOTNET and Microsoft Excel.

MATLAB Specifications

   Hardware Components: 30 Number of Dell Opti plex 3060 Mini Tower, 3.9 Giga Hertz processor, 4 GB RAM, with 1 Tera Byte Hard Disk

   Softwares Available: Ubuntu 16.04 L.T.S Operating System.

2. English Language Communication Skills Lab

The Department of English strives to enhance skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. It persistently espouses innovative teaching techniques to mould the young learners from diverse domains who are lacking fluency in English and whose medium of instruction has been the regional language. The department incessantly aspires to inculcate quality education to meet the needs and aspiration of the new generation engineers.


  To facilitate computer-assisted multi-media instruction enabling individualized and independent language learning.

  To sensitize the students to the nuances of English speech sounds, word accent, intonation and rhythm.

  To bring about a consistent accent and intelligibility in students’ pronunciation of English by providing an opportunity for practice in speaking.

  To improve the fluency of students in spoken English and neutralize their mother tongue influence.

  To train students to use language appropriately for public speaking, group discussions and interviews.

The Department has well equipped English Language Communication Skills (ELCS) Labs:
1. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Lab Specifications

   The Computer Assisted Language Learning Labs are well equipped with advanced equipments and facilities based on the latest technology.

   The student-friendly ambience with the facility of 40 systems equipped with adjustable mic boom multimedia headphones, one master console, and LAN facility in each lab make the teaching-learning experience comprehensive. It has software to provide training to students in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills

2. Interactive Communication Skills (ICS) Lab:

   Interactive Communication Skills lab is a spacious room with 60 movable chairs, audio-visual aids with a Public Address System, a smart T. V, a digital stereo –audio and video system and camcorder

   The students and faculties push the boundaries of possibilities in these labs, and there is always a constant buzz in this part of the campus where new knowledge is created.

3. Engineering Chemistry Lab

This laboratory provides a platform to the students to understand the basic necessities and practical concepts of chemistry, that helps the students in designing and purification techniques which addresses the needs of industries and improves research capabilities.


   To impart practical knowledge on quantitative analysis of materials by classical and instrumental methods for developing experimental skills in building technical competence.

   To incorporate the experiments which involves the volumetric estimation of chemicals and determination of various physical properties of fluids and water samples like Viscosity, Surface Tension and Hardness

Engineering Chemistry Lab Equipments

   Glassware - Beakers, burettes, pipettes, conical flasks, Separating funnels, Reagent bottles, TLC chambers, volumetric flasks and Condensers – Sufficient Numbers

   Ostwald Viscometer


   Digital Conductivity Meters

   Digital pH Meters

   Digital Potentiometers

   Digital Colorimeters

   Electrical Digital Balance

   Water baths

   Hot plates

   Hot Air Ovens

   Heating Mantles

   Water Distillation Unit

   Magnetic Stirrers

   UV Chamber

   Physical balances


4. Engineering Physics Lab

   The objective of the Engineering Physics Lab is that the student will have exposure to various experimental skills which is very essential for an engineering student. The experiments are selected from various areas of Physics like optics, fiber optics, mechanics, microscopes, spectrometers, screw gauge and vernier calibers. This lab is utilized for the first year B.Tech Mechanical and Civil engineering branches.


   The Objective of this laboratory is to make the students gain practical knowledge to co-relate with the theoretical studies.

   Design of circuits using new technology and latest components and to develop practical applications of engineering materials and use of principle in the right way to implement the modern technology.

Engineering Physics Lab Equipments

   Melde’s Experiment Set up

   Dispersive power of prism-Spectrometer

   Wavelength of different colors from spectrum using grating & Spectrometer

   LCR circuit complete experimental set up

   Numerical aperture of an Optical fiber

   Bending losses in an Optical fiber

   Laser characteristics kit

   Coupled Oscillator set up

   Torsional Pendulum complete set up

   Newton’s Rings complete set up

5. Applied Physics Lab

   The objective of the Applied Physics Lab is to learn the fundamental and leading-edge physics as well as broad education and research related to the application of physics. The experiments are selected from various areas of physics like optics, lasers, fiber optics, sound, mechanics, electricity and magnetism and basic electronics. This lab is utilized for the first year B.Tech ECE, CSE, EEE & IT branches.


   On completion of this lab course, the students will be able to demonstrate competency and understanding of the basic concepts found in physics.

   Students acquire the practical knowledge by applying the experimental methods to correlate with the Physics theory.

   Students will be able to learn the usage of electrical and optical systems for various measurements.

Applied Physics Lab Equipments

   Solar Cell Kit

   Energy Band gap Kit

   Photo electric effect complete set up

   Hall effect complete set up

   LED Characteristics Complete set up

   LASER characteristics Kit

   LCR circuit with complete set up

   RC circuit kit

   Numerical aperture and bending losses in an optical fiber transmitter and receiver kit

   Stewart and gees experiment complete set up

6. Programming For Problem Solving Lab

  Computer Programming laboratory is designed to familiarize students with the basic components of programming, so as to be able to initiate the students into the discipline of Programming. It aims to start of the development of problem solving ability using computer programming.


  To work with an IDE to create, edit, compile, run and debug programs

  To analyze the various steps in program development.

  To develop programs to solve basic problems by understanding basic concepts in C like operators, control statements etc.

  To develop modular, reusable and readable C Programs using the concepts like functions, arrays etc.

  To write programs using the Dynamic Memory Allocation concept.

  To create, read from and write to text and binary files.

Programming For Problem Solving Lab Specifications

   Hardware Components: 60 number of DELL Optiplex 3060, Intel® Core TM i3-Mini Tower CPU @ 3.9 GHz CPU, 4 GB RAM with 1 TB HDD systems

   Software Available: Ubuntu linux based operating System,GCC compiler, CodeLite, or CodeBlocks, or Eclipse, or DevCPP


  To analyze a given network by applying various electrical laws and network theorems

  To know the response of electrical circuits for different excitations

  To calculate, measure and know the relation between basic electrical parameters.

  To analyze the performance characteristics of DC and AC electrical machines.


  Get an exposure to basic electrical laws.

  Understand the response of different types of electrical circuits to different excitations.

  Understand the measurement, calculation and relation between the basic electrical parameters

  Understand the basic characteristics of transformers and electrical machines.


   Ohms Law Verification Equipment.

   KVL and KCL Trainer Kit

   RL , RC and RLC Series Circuits

   Impeadance Trainer Kit

   Resonance Trainer Kit

   DC Motors

   AC Motors

   Single Phase Transformer

8. Engineering Workshop Lab

  This laboratory is intended to provide a platform for the common engineering practices to equip the students for shaping of metals & non-metals and principles of domestic electrical house hold utilities & appliances. Also exposure to the machine tools lab.


  Workshop Practice helps the student to know how the work on shop floor is carried out.

  To impart technical knowledge and skill to use tools, machines, equipment, and measuring instruments.

  Educate students of Safe handling of machines and tools

List of Equipment
Sno Trade Name Tools/ Equipments
1 Carpentry Chisels,Jack plane,Wooden mallet,Try Square, Wood turning Lathe Machine, Carpentry vice
2 Tin Smithy Steel Rule,Snips,Nose pliers, Scriber
3 House Wiring Holders, Testers,Wires
4 Fitting Bench vice, Files, Punches, Hammers, Hacksaw
5 Welding Electrode, Electrode holder, Safety Equipment, DC Machine
6 Black Smithy Furnace, Tongs, Anvil, Sledge Hammer