Electronics & Communications Engineering Department was established in the year 2001 as one of the prime branches in the Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology. It is currently running undergraduate i.e. B.Tech., and Post graduate Courses in (a) Embedded Systems, (b) VLSI Technologies and (c) Wireless Mobile Communications.
The course was accredited by National Board of Accreditation(NBA) in 2007 for a duration of 3 years and second time accreditation in 2019 for a duration of 3 years(i.e. from the Academic Year 2019-2020 to 2021-2022) and renewed in Tier-II for the duration of 3 years from the Academic Year: 2022-2023 to Academic Year: 2024-2025.
The ECE branch has a well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty. The total number of faculty is more than the stipulated number by the AICTE & UGC. The strength of the faculty lies in the right mixture of Academics and Practical experience. Many of senior faculty has got meritorious service record for more than 20/25 years in prestigious organizations like DRDO, ISRO, NTRO, and industry like CMC, Wipro etc. A few of the Senior Professors have received best performance awards from Hon’ble Prime Minister of India for their outstanding service done to the organization. Some of Senior Professors have been directors of DRDO Labs, Vice Chancellors and Chancellors of reputed Universities. The senior faculty is well experienced to impart practical and industrial knowledge to the students to enable the students of ECE Department to perform well during industry recruitments. The faculty is young, dynamic and innovative in its approach both in terms of academics and research. The Department has completed number of Research projects funded by DRDO/ISRO/AICTE and Industry. Many R&D Projects are underway in this department. Spacious laboratories with the state-of-the art equipment, more than what is stipulated by the university form part of excellent infrastructure available in the department. Students are encouraged to carry out lab experiments singly and perform experiments beyond their curriculum. This brings out the creativeness and hidden innovative spirit in them. Latest versions of soft wares like MATLAB, ORCAD, VLSI cadence tools etc. are available for modelling and simulations for carrying out research by B.Tech and M.Tech students.
In academics teaching is done using modern methodology of teaching. All teaching rooms are equipped with LCD Projectors and Web learning methods have been introduced through internet cloud. Independent separate laboratories like Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab, Pulse & Digital Circuits Lab, Linear Application Lab, Microwave & Optical Communication Lab, Analog Communication Lab, Digital Communication Lab, Electronic Computer Aided Design Lab, Microprocessor & Micro Computer Labs etc. are equipped with the latest versions of equipment to cater to the ever changing technological needs.
Department conducts number of workshops on modern trends in each of the subject taught and senior industry experts are invited to deliver lectures. Many expert guest lectures are regularly arranged from R&D labs and industry to broaden the knowledge of the students.
ECE Department, with its highly qualified motivated and dedicated faculty is striving to make the ECE student to acquire high level of academic knowledge and good practical training. Its constant endeavour has been to learn the subject by experimenting rather than blindly studying and remembering. Extra classes are arranged in case of weak students to bring them on par with the others. Our motto is to make the ECE student stand apart in quality of knowledge and performance amongst other ECE students elsewhere.
M.Tech - Embedded Systems
M.Tech - Embedded Systems (ES) is a two year full time post-graduate program approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) for the students who have a B.E/B.Tech in any branch of engineering. The course is offered by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering by highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty. Intake to this course is 18, selected by J N T University by common Entrance Test.
Embedded systems design is a productive synergy between hardware and software design. Essentially, it’s the art of choosing and designing the proper combination of hardware and software components to achieve design goals like speed and efficiency.
The M.Tech Course in Embedded System Design focuses on practical design aspects. The major objective of the course is to mould fresh electronics engineers into high-calibre embedded system designers. The course offers a range of topics of immediate relevance to the electronics industry. The participants of the programme are exposed to various families and architectures of embedded system tools.
The course structure of this program will include the core subjects like Embedded Real Time Operating Systems, Microcontrollers for Embedded System Design, Hardware Software Co-Design, and CPLD and FPGA Architectures and Applications, and elective subjects Advanced Computer Architecture, VLSI Technology and Design, Multimedia and Signal Coding and System on Chip Architecture.
A dedicated project work is taken up by every student of M.Tech (ES) for the next two semesters. The project work is of high quality basing used in current industry practices. Project work is supported by leading MNC's and defence laboratories doing state of art research and development.
M.Tech - VLSI
M.Tech (VLSI) is a two year full time post-graduate program approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) for the students who have a B.E/B.Tech in any branch of engineering. The course is offered by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering by highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty. Intake to this course is 18, selected by J N T University by common Entrance Test.
With the invention of transistor at Bell Labs in 1947, the Electronic Circuit Technology shifted from vacuum tubes to transistor devices. In 1958, Jack Kirby of Texas Instruments for the first time integrated number of transistors on a single chip. The technology era of SSI, MSI and LSI was thus born. This gave the tremendous boost to miniaturization of complex electronic circuits.
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) is the process of creating an integrated circuit by combining thousands of transistors into a single chip. Thus a CPU, ROM, RAM, and Control Logic could be put into a small chip famously known as Microprocessor. This has a tremendous impact on electronic systems and the products grew smaller and smaller in size, consuming very less power and enormously increasing the reliability. VLSI is the backbone for today’s laptop computers, smart phones, digital PDAs, digital TVs and host of other commercial products. Today’s consumer products like washing machines, refrigerators, automobiles, safety devices etc. uses invariably VLSI designed chips. In 2008 itself, billion transistors were commercially integrated into a single chip. Moore of Intel stated that every two years density of devices put on a chip would double.
Current design of VLSI Circuit uses extensive ‘Design Automation’ for logic synthesis to layout the transistors which requires the higher levels of complexity and functionality. New inventions in fabrication using modern photolithography techniques enabled realisation of smaller die sizes and increase in clock frequencies. Multi core and Multiprocessor architectures are today available in market. But a VLSI designer must keep track of strict complex design rules for layout. Thus Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools came into market to assist the designers of VLSI. Some of reputed sellers of EDA tools are Mentor Graphics, Cadence, Synopsis etc.
ECE Department, realising the importance of VLSI Technology has established a full fledged well equipped VLSI Lab. The Lab has full-fledged CADENCE Tools which enable the students to simulate, synthesize and check the design for its functionality, in terms of logic, power, speed and Hardware realization. The realization of a practical VLSI Chip takes places on XILINX, ISE, FPGA, ALTERA etc. general purpose chips. The VLSI Lab supports chip realization using XILINX tools. Many students have designed complex electronic circuits using the EDA tools available in the Lab. Lot of potential exists for research work in this field of VLSI.
M.Tech- WIRELESS & MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS is a two year full time post-graduate program approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) for the students who have a B.E/B.Tech in any branch of engineering. The course is offered by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering by highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty. Intake to this course is 18, selected by J N T University by common Entrance Test.
Wireless Communications is having an enormous impact on today’s human civilization. The ability to communicate when on the move evolved remarkably into a challenging Wireless Mobile Technology. In 1897 Gugliemo Marconi first demonstrated the radios ability to provide continuous contact with ships sailing in English Channel. Since then the Wireless Mobile Communication has grown by orders of magnitude fuelled by tremendous improvements in Digital Signal Processing, VLSI Technologies etc.
This propelled the growth of Cellular Radio Technologies completely changing the life style of a common citizen of rural and urban world. These trends will continue at even greater pace during the coming years. The availability of handheld mobile phones at affordable prices with more and more features, have tremendous impact on commerce, marketing, business and social life of society.
Starting from 1G, the WMC technology has grown into 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G and now racing towards 5G. The simultaneous growth in no. of voice channels and escalation of data rates was possible because of remarkable growth in Technologies like Spread Spectrum CDMA, GSM, Modulation Techniques, OFDM, MIMO, Orthogonal Error Coding, Packet Switching Standards, LTE Networks etc. Across the years due to miniaturisation, and advances in computer processing, WMC has become a multibillion dollar industry and poised to overtake, TV and Computer industries in the coming five years.
ECE Department in its endeavour to keep in step for modern developments, is offering a post graduate course in Wireless & Mobile Communication. In order to make the student understand the WMC Technology, a well equipped state-of-the-art WMC Lab is established. In the lab the student through experimentation learns the concepts, study the modern techniques, architectures, digital modulation, spread Spectrum etc. In order to carry out research in both hardware and software tools like MATLAB, Communication Tool Box, CISCO Packet Tracer, NS2 Simulator, HFSS Tools, NETEUMEL etc. are provided. With the available special software and hardware in the lab, students can work on innovative research topics, since WMC Technology is still a virgin field waiting for exploitation and challenges.