Industrial Visit to KOTHAGUDEM THERMAL POWER STATION (KTPS-VII) on 17th December , 2022
The Department of EEE has organized an industrial visit for 4th Year EEE students along with 2 faculty members made an INDUSTRIAL VISIT TO KOTHAGUDEM THERMAL POWER STATION (KTPS-VII) on 17th December ,2022

Three Days National Workshop on “How to Draft Effective Scientific Publications, Patents and Patent Filing”
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Research and Development Cell, In Association with IEI & ISTE Chapter, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad hasorganizedthree Days National Workshop on “How to Draft Effective Scientific Publications, Patents and Patent Filing” from 02.07.2020 to 04.07.2020.

National Online Quiz conducted on 20/06/2020
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized National Online Quiz on "Power Electronics” on 20th June 2020.

Online Quiz conducted on 20/06/2020
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized Online Quiz on "Control Systems” on 20th June 2020.

One week Faculty Development Program on “Challenges & Opportunities in Electrical Engineering” from 15th to 20th June 2020
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad has organized one week online Faculty Development Program on “Challenges & Opportunities in Electrical Engineering - A Research Perspective”, on 15th -20th June, 2020.

Industrial Visit to Hyderabad Metro Rail on 18/02/2020
The Department of EEE has organized an industrial visit for UG-II, IV and PG EEE students on 18th Feb 2020 to Hyderabad metro rail which is useful to the students in learning the smart technologies practical aspects of Electric Traction system.

Industrial Visit to Kothagudem Thermal Power Station on 01/02/2020
The Department of EEE has organized an industrial visit for II year EEE students on 1st Feb 2020 to Kothagudem Thermal Power Station is located at Paloncha in Telangana, India. The power plant has an installed capacity of 1,720 MW with 11 units in operation .It is one of the coal based power plants of Telangana Power Generation Corporation Limited.
The Objectives of this Industrial Visit:
1) To learn the functioning of a coal based steam power plant.
2)Understanding the coal to electricity cycle.
3) Understand the best and sustainable practices in unning a coal based power plant.
4) To understand better the concept of Power Station.
Outcomes behind the Industrial visit:
• For students pursuing professional education, industrial visits help them gain hands-on experience of how industry operations are executed.
• Industry visits bridge the gap between theoretical training and practical learning in a real-life environment.
• Industry visits provide opportunity for active/interactive learning experiences in-class as well outside the classroom environment.
• Industry visits broaden the outlook of students with exposure to different workforces from different industries
• Industry visits help enhance interpersonal skills and communication techniques.
Five Days ICT mode STP on “Embedded Systems & IoT” from 27/01/2020 to 31/01/2020
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad organized Five Days ICT mode STP on “Embedded Systems & IoT” in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh during 27th Jan-2020 to 31st Jan-2020. Eminent Speakers from both academia and industry delivered lectures on Embedded Systems & IoT and their applications in different fields. This five day STP enabled faculty and students to get awareness about Embedded Systems & IoT.

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad has organized "Two days Hands-on Workshop on “Electrical Switchgear and its Applications”on 18th and 19th December, 2019.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad has organized "Two days Hands-on Workshop on “Electrical Switchgear and its Applications”on 18th and 19th December, 2019 by Research and Development Cell and ISTE Chapter of BIET with Eminent Trainers Mr. Shivanand D V BE Elect & Mr. Basavesh Shetty S D, dbson UNIVERSAL POWER CONTROLS, Tumkur Karnataka. This workshop provides the practical exposure to students with connections of electrical switchgear systems and their applications, which motivated students and faculty focus their research work toward industry requirement lead more placement opportunity.
Outcome of the Workshop:
1) To enhance the participants practical knowledge and skills.
2)To acquire training on Electrical Switchgear, applications and practical demonstration.
3) To promote students develop an industry oriented project.
4) To enhance the placement opportunity.
RK Automation has signed a MOU with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BIET on 16/11/2019.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BIET has signed a MOU with RK Automation to conduct the summer training for B.Tech students on PLC & SCADA, Workshops, and Guest lectures for a period of three years..

Evittal Heavy Engineering Equipement Ltd Has signed MOU with the Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering, Biet On 29/11/2019.
The Department of Electrical and electronics engineering has signed MOU on 29th November, 2019 with “EVITTAL HEAVY ENGINEERING EQUIPEMENT LTD” for conducting Lectures / Intern ship Training /Workshops / R& D Projects.

Karnataka leading company UNIVERSAL POWER CONTROLS (DBSON) has signed a MOU with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BIET on 13/11/2019.
Karnataka leading company UNIVERSAL POWER CONTROLS (DBSON), Plot No.22, Sathyamangala Industrial Area, Tumkur, Karnataka, INDIA, Pin Code - 572104 signed an MOU with Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad on 13th November 2019. Based on this MOU organizing various programs to bridge the gap between college and industry and thereby enhancing the employability of emerging workforce.

Two days workshop on “Industrial Automation with Emphasis on PLC&SCADA” on 15/11/2019 and 16/11/2019.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad organized two day Workshop on “Industrial Automation with Emphasis on PLC & SCADA(IA-2k19)” by Mr.R.Krishna Chaitanya,Founder,R K Automation, Guntur. This workshop covers the basics of industrial automation which creates awareness about application of PLC & SCADA for the domains of engineering.
“It’s not about ideas, it’s about making ideas happen.”
One day seminar on “Exploring the Opportunities in Core Sector” on 09/11/2019.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad organized One day Seminar on, “Exploring the Opportunities in Core Sector” in association with Hyderabad Institute of Electrical Engineers, Eminent Speaker Mr. Madan Mohan, Co-Founder, HIEE and Ms. Bhavya shared their knowledge to the gathering. This one day seminar enabled III and IV year students to get awareness about hidden job opportunities in electrical sector.
“The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.”
HACKATHON Program conducted on 09/11/2019.
The BIET Hackathon was organised for II/III/IV year students on 9th Nov, 2019 by ECE/CSE/EEE/ME & CE Dept., and 150 teams participated from all departments. Theme of the competition was Robotics & Drone, Waste Management, Security & Surveilance,Smart Communication, Health care,Agriculture & Rural Developement, Smart vehicles etc.
One day workshop on “PLC Programming & Software Practice” on 08/11/2019.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics has organized workshop on “PLC Programming & Software Practice”, by Sri Anand Warrier, Senior Manager, Sri Amit Rao, Technical Head, SMEC Automation Private Limited for final year EEE students.
One day workshop on “Higher Education in Foreign Countries & career Counseling” on 6/11/2019.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted workshop on “Higher Education in Foreign Countries & career Counseling” held on Dt. 6-11-2019 organized by Sri. Daniel KM, IIM, Kolkata, Director, Sri. Satish Yadav, Ms, Swathi Priyanka & Sri. Raja, Managers Ischoolconnect at BIET.
Industrial Visit to National Remote Sensing Center on 04/11/2019
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted one National Remote Sensing Center ( NRSC) Industrial Visit for UG- IV students on 4 th Nov 2019.

One day seminar on “ Field Based Research for Industrial Growth” on 23/10/2019
The Department of EEE has organized seminar on “ Field Based Research for Industrial Growth”, by P.G.S. Kumar, Director (technical), MRTG Power Diagnostic Tests Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
• To create awareness about the challenges in an industry project and industry oriented research area.
• To promote students to develop an industry oriented project and patent the proposed project.
• To enhance the placement and entrepreneur opportunity.
Peepal Waste Managers has signed MOU with the Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering, Biet On 28/10/2019.
The Department of Electrical and electronics engineering has taken MOU on 28th October, 2019 with PEEPAL WASTE MANAGERS (PEEPAL) for conducting Lectures / Intern ship Training /Workshops / R& D Projects for students.

Industrial Visit to Nagarjuna Sagar Power Plant on 21/09/2019
The Department of EEE has organized an industrial visit for II and IV EEE students to Nagarjuna Sagar power plant which straddles the border between Guntur District and Nalgonda District constructed between 1955 and 1967.
Capacity: 11.56km^
Turbines: 1*110MW Francis turbine,7*100.8MW reversible Francis turbines
Height:124metres(407ft from river level)
Length: 1,500 Metres.
Power Generation Capacity: 815MW with 8 units.
The students have been given elaborate knowledge about:
1. Hydroelectricity
2. Governor actuator system
3. Hydraulic pressure supply system
4. Turbine control servomotors
5. Hydro mechanical Kaplan speed control unit
6. Peed Control System
7. 11/132 kv switch yard
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized Technical Training and Course Project for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of EEE department at BIET from 10th June to 6th July 2019.
1. This summer training is to bridge the gap between between regular curriculum & industry requirement,
by imparting the technical skills to the students which will help them to face the placements confidently.
2. Activity based training were imparted in the laboratories in an innovative manner.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized Project Day-2K19 On 13th April, 2019 and the prizes were awarded by our chief judge Mr.M.P.Bannibagi ISDS,Assistant Director National Skill Training Institute,Former ATI-EPI,Hyderabad.
Integration and Control of embedded electrical system with lab view software in set lab, EEE-BIET (11-16th march,2019) for generating innovative ideas using "Hands On Engineering".  more info
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized a Guest lecture on “Modern Technologies in Indian Railways” by Er. C. Anand, Divisional executive Engineer/TRD Electric Loco-shed, South Central Railways, Secunderabad on 16.02.2019. Co-ordinated by Dr. J. Bhagwan Reddy, Professor in EEE. attended by 2nd and 4th year B. Tech. (EEE) Students and Dr. Gouda Academic I/C EEE also present.
A summoning up of strength and courage by the students and faculties of department of Electrical and Electronics on 16.02.2019,as a homage to paramilitary soldiers killed in lethal attack in Kashmir.
The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized a industrial visit for the 2nd year students to LOWER JURALA HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECT(LJHEP),Atmakur,Gadwal on 2nd February, 2019.
“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow”.
The department of electrical and electronics conducted seminar on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY” by Dr. D. P. Kothari , former director of IIT Delhi and VIT, vellore,on 31.01.2019.
It is obvious that technology has exceeded our humanity, so the department of electrical and electronics conducted guest lecture on “ Awareness on internship” by Mr.P.S.P Raju,Business Development Manager,CL Educate, on 28.01.2019.
Industrial Visit to GIS Station 220/132KV on 9th & 10th January, 2019.
The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organised an Industrial Visit for III Year EEE Students on 9th and 10th January 2019 to Gas Insulated Switchgear Station, Erragadda, Hyderabad.
“The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious”
ISTE sponsored One Day National Level Workshop on “Real Time Power Quality assessment & Energy Audit” on 5th January, 2019.
The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted an ISTE sponsored one day national level workshop on “Real Time Power Quality assessment & Energy Audit”, by Mr. R. Sampath, Regional Manager, HIOKI, Hyderabad branch, organized by Mr. Suresh, EEE Dept., Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad on 05th January 2019.
Industrial Visit to 200/132 KV GAS INSULATED SUBSTATION, ERRAGADDA, HYDERABAD on 01/10/2018
The students of EEE Department Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology has visited 200/132 KV Gas Insulated Substation under
the guidance of faculty members CH. Santhan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Mr. Banarraju, Associate Professor, Mrs Haritha, Assistant Professor.
The students have been given elaborate knowledge about
1. Power transformer
2. The switch guard of the substation.
3. Brief explanation about different equipment.
4. Layout o 220KV incoming and 132KV outgoing.
PROJECT DAY Conducted On 29th March, 2018
First Prize given to the Title of "Implementation of Solar Powered LED Street Light with auto Intensity control", was done by the following students:
P. Shruthi Reddy-14E11A0231, A Pranay-15E1A0203, B Srikar-15E1A0204 & P Ravishankar- 15E1A0225 under the guidance of Mr. K. Srinivasa Rao

Second prize given to the Title of "Arduino based underground cable fault detection" was done by the following students:
14E11A0229, 14E11A0212, 14E11A0208, 15E15A0233 & 14E11A0214 under the guidance of Mr.T.Sukanth

Third prize given to the Title of "Electronic Voting Machine" was done by the following students:
Syed Irfan-14E11A0230, Pulluri Sai-14E11A0235 & K Vamshidhar Reddy-14E11A0217 under the guidance of Mr. A. B. V. Sravan Kumar

EEE Department conducted WORKSHOP on " SYSTEM ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY " On 20th & 21st of february,2018
EEE Department conducted WORKSHOP on " SYSTEM ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY " On 20th & 21st of february,2018

Industrial Visit to I M.Tech EEE Students to " Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Hyderabad "on 1st December 2017.
Department of EEE conducted an Industrial visit to "Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Hyderabad" on 1st December 2017. Total 7 M.Tech I Year I sem students along with 2 faculty members participated in this industrial visit.

One Day Guest Lecture on "CONDITON ASSESSMENT PROGRAM ON TURBINE GENERATOTS" for III B.Tech EEE Students on 28th February, 2017
A guest lecture on "CONDITON ASSESSMENT PROGRAM ON TURBINE GENERATOTS" is organized for III-EEE students on 28 th Feb 2017 between 11:00 A.M to 1:00 P.M at NA-104. Resource person: Mr. P.G.S. KUMAR, Former AGM, BHEL, Hyderabad delivered a lecture on above said topic. 69 Students and 8 Faculty members participated and made the programme successful.

One Day Guest Lecture on "SCADA System - Technology and Applications" for III B.Tech EEE students on 15th February 2017.
One Day Guest Lecture on "SCADA System - Technology and Applications" by Shri. S. K. Bandopadhyay, Former Head - SCADA, CMC Limited (TATA Enterprise) was organized by EEE Department on 15th February 2017 for 3rd year B. Tech students.

BIET EEE Department Professor delivered a Guest Lecture at NIT Karnataka on 21 October, 2016
Dr. R. Hafeez Basha, Professor, EEE Department, BIET gave Guest Lecture on Waste-to-Electricity for Ph. D Scholars of National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal, Mangalore on 21st October 2016.

Guest Lecture on "Free Education in FRANCE" on 29 September 2016 for all IV B.Tech students.
Mrs. Vasudha Muralikrishna, Education Advisor, Embassy of France, New Delhi visited BIET on 29th September 2016 to interact with final year students of all branches on prospects of "Free Education in FRANCE" organized by EEE Department.

Hyderabad's leading Biogas plant supplier M/s Peepal Renewables India Private Limited Company signed an MOU with Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology on 20th July 2016.
Hyderabad's leading Biogas plant supplier M/s Peepal Renewables India Private Limited Company signed an MOU with Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology on 20th July 2016. Based on this MOU Dr. Hafeez Basha, Professor, EEE Department was appointed as Technical Consultant to Peepal and three B. Tech final year students started their live project at Peepal on the same day.

A one day seminar on "Research Publications, Citation Indexing and Impact Factor" was organized by EEE Department on 15th July 2016 at BIET.
A one day seminar on "Research Publications, Citation Indexing and Impact Factor" was organized by EEE Department on 15th July 2016 at BIET. Mr. Alok Poundrik, Manager - Academic & Government, Intellectual Property & Science Division, Thomson Reuters (Bengaluru) was the resource person.

Professor Shuichi TORII, Assistant Director, Kumamoto University, Japan visited Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology on 21st June 2016
Professor Shuichi TORII, Assistant Director, Kumamoto University, Japan visited Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology on 21st June 2016 to sign MOU and also delivered a Guest Lecture on "Renewable Energy – Advanced Technology".

Dr. Raju Aedla, Visiting Researcher, Kumamoto University, Japan visited Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology on 6th June 2016.
Dr. Raju Aedla, Visiting Researcher, Kumamoto University, Japan visited Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology on 6th June 2016 to initiate MOU and also delivered a Guest Lecture on "Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System".Organized by EEE Department, BIET.

"Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme-II", 'One Day Work-Shop' organized by Dr. J. Bhagwan Reddy, on April, 23rd, 2015, Sponsored and Conducted at 'National Small Industries Corporation Limited' – A GOVT. OF INDIA UNDERTAKING, ECIL X-ROADS, HYDERABAD. 54 Nos.4th year EEE students and Dr. J. Bhagwan Reddy, Mrs. Nilima Pravena, and Ms. Navya Sree staff members attended
"Workshop on Design of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant", Half a day Preparatory Work-Shop' organized by Dr. J. Bhagwan Reddy, on January 30th, 2015, FN. Two Speakers Er. Maruthi, and Er. Purushothama Chary of Green Energy Solutions, HYDERABAD. 62 Nos. ¾ EEE A&B Students five staff members attended.
"Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme-I", 'One Day Work-Shop' organized by Dr. J. Bhagwan Reddy, on November 5th, 2014, Sponsored and Conducted at 'National Small Industries Corporation Limited' – A GOVT. OF INDIA UNDERTAKING, ECIL X-ROADS, HYDERABAD. 92 Nos. 2nd and 3rd year EEE students and two staff members attended (Dr. J. B. Reddy & G. S. Rao).
"Thermal Power Generation Scenario – Opportunities And Challenges (TPSOOC-14) - 2014", 'One day Work-Shop' organized by Dr. J. Bhagwan Reddy, Chief Guest Er. V. S. Appaji, Assistant General Manager, NTPC, Simhadri Power Plant, Vizag & Er. N. Prem Kumar, Assistant General Manager NTPC, Hyderabad held on Date: 23/08/2014 BIET and attended by Mechanical & EEE 14 staff members , 120 members of 3 &4 EEE Students. EEE Dept. reserve funds utilized.