JNTUH M.Tech II Year Academic Calendar for the year2018-19
JNTUH B.tech I Year Academic Calendar for the year2018-19
JNTUH Academic_Calendar 2018-19 for_BTech II III IV years
JNTUH General Holidays & Optional Holidays for the year 2017.
JNTUH Academic Calendar for I year of M.Tech / MBA I & II Semesters for the Academic Year 2016-2017.
JNTUH Academic Calendar for I year of B.Tech I & II Semesters for the Academic Year 2016-2017.
I Year Course Structure of B.Tech/B.Pharm Courses for the Academic Year 2016-2017.
JNTUH II, III and IV years of B.Tech. Academic Calendar for the year 2016-2017
JNTUH Academic Calendar for I year of B.Tech I Semester (Regular) for the academic year 2015 - 2016
JNTUH Academic Calendar of M.Tech (R15) for the academic year 2015 - 2016