Dr. R. Hafeez Basha, Professor, EEE Department, BIET gave Guest Lecture on Waste-to-Electricity for Ph. D Scholars of National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal, Mangalore on 21st October 2016.

BIET has inaugurated \"BIET CSI Student Branch\" Hyderabad on 5th October 2016 under the able guidance of Shri CH. Venugopal Reddy, Chairman, Bharat Institutions. The Inaugration was done at the kind hands Shri. K. Mohan Raidu, Vice-Chairman, CSI Hyderabad Chapter. The CSE/IT Department organized the event and student members from both the departments actively volunteered to form the student branch committee.

Dr. Hafeez Basha, IEEE Branch Counsellor along with the IEEE student executive committee represented Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology at safety awareness program targeted to farming community, an initiative of Telangana Government for \"Dealing with Fatal Electrical Accidents in Telangana (D-FEAT)\" caused by High Voltage Overhead Lines which was organized by IEEE Hyderabad Section on 02nd October 2016 at Federation of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FTAPCCI). IEEE HYD 02.10.16 1

Mrs. Vasudha Muralikrishna, Education Advisor, Embassy of France, New Delhi visited BIET on 29th September 2016 to interact with final year students of all branches on prospects of \"Free Education in FRANCE\" organized by EEE Department

One Day Guest Lecture on \"Pattern Convert into Programming Code\" for all IV CSE A,B Students by Dr. B. K. Sarkal, Project Director, TCS Pvt. Ltd, GGN, India, on 29 September 2016 at BIET. Organized by CSE/IT Department under ACM Student Branch.

One Day Guest Lecture on \"Complex Problem Convert in a Programming Code\" for all IV CSE A,B Students by Dr. B. K. Sarkal, Project Director, TCS Pvt. Ltd, GGN, India, on 28 September 2016 at BIET. Organized by CSE/IT Department under ACM Student Branch.

One Day Guest Lecture on \"Earthquake Engineering and Advancements\" on 19 September 2016 for III B.Tech CIVIL students by Dr. D. Venkat Reddy, Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT-Karnataka) Surathkal Organized by CIVIL Department.

One Day Guest Lecture on \"Advances in Antennas\" on 09 September 2016 for III B.Tech ECE students by Shri M. Bala Chary, Associate Director, Antenna Division, DLRL, Hyderabad. Organized by ECE Department.

One Day Workshop on \"Career Opportunities in Big Data Analytics and Cyber Security\" on 16 July 2016. Organized by CSE/IT Department under ACM Student chapter. Mr. Satish D V, Regional Lead, TS-NASSCOM and Mr. P. Ashok, Manager, Karvy Analytics are the resource persons.

one day seminar on “Research Publications, Citation Indexing and Impact Factor” was organized by EEE Department on 15th July 2016 at BIET. Mr. Alok Poundrik, Manager - Academic & Government, Intellectual Property & Science Division, Thomson Reuters (Bengaluru) was the resource person.

One Day Guest Lecture on \"Project identification for new Enterprenuers\" on 12 July 2016 for IV B.Tech ECE students by Shri. K.V.Tirumala Rao, Chief consultant, A.P.Industrial Technical Consulting Organisation,Hyderabad. Organized by ECE Department.

BIET Organized a 10-Day Faculty Development Program on \"PRESENTATION SKILLS\" for all BIET Faculties during 04th July 2016 to 28th July, 2016 at BIET Campus. Around 100 faculty members were participated in this event. The event dates are 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 26th, 27th & 28th July, 2016

A One Day Guest lecture on “Recent Technology available in Software Industry for Fresher\'s / upcoming Engineers” for III Year CSE & IT Students on 12 April, 2016 by Dr. B. K. Sarkal, Project Director, TCS Pvt. Ltd, GGN, India,. conducted by CSE / IT Department under CSI Chapter, Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology.

A One Day Guest lecture on “Cloud Computing” for III & IV Year CSE & IT Students on 04 February, 2016 by Dr. S. Ramachandram, Professor of CSE & Principal of University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad,. conducted by CSE/IT Department under CSI Chapter, Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology.